Loop by Loop Studio was founded by Hayley Perry in 2013. Hayley grew up surrounded by rug hooking, thanks to her mother Sharon and aunt Deanne, but did not begin making her own rugs and designs until many years later. Hayley holds her education in Fine Arts and after getting her graduate degree in painting in 2011, she started dyeing and selling fabric online, hooking rugs, and making kits, which has blossomed into her full time career.
One of Hayley's goals is to help rug hooking reach a broader audience because she understands the benefits of slowing down in this whirly world. She believes that valuable lessons lay within this kind of handiwork and encourages anyone who needs a moment of reflection to try out this easy and relaxing craft.
I gravitate towards rug hooking because it allows me to blend traditional craft techniques with contemporary themes. The ability to make images with the loops makes me feel like I am "painting with wool," which speaks to my love of painting and drawing. The tactile process of thrumming the wool strips through my fingers is comforting and the repetition or pulling loops is meditating and cathartic.
I absolutely love the primitive style of rug hooking - the images are simplified and graphic and focus on color and texture. I tend to make "punchy" designs with a lot of contrast which are the kinds of images make my mind excited and happy, and that is what matters the most, after all.

It might appear as though rug hooking is a singular event. People can sit quietly alone and hook by themselves, but that is often not the case in our community. Rug Hookers love to share the joy of their craft with others. So many wonderful artists have spent countless hours helping, inspiring, and fostering my love of this craft and I couldn’t be more grateful. Here are just a few of the artists that have helped me along the way. This is my way of lifting them up and lifting up rug hooking in the process. Please be sure to check them out!:
Sharon Perry (Rug Hooking): https://www.sharonperryrughooking.com/
Deanne Fitzpatrick (Rug Hooking): https://hookingrugs.com/
Alison Wilbur (Quilting): https://www.allisonwilburquilts.com/wp/
Deana David (Rug Hooking): https://www.ribboncandyhooking.com/
Sarah McNamara (Rug Hooking and Punch Needle): https://www.thepaisleystudio.com/
Beth Miller (Rug Hooking): https://parrishousewoolworks.com/
Ellen Skea Marshall (Rug Hooking): https://twocatsanddoghooking.com
The Whole Family of Rug Hookers: at https://greenmountainhookedrugs.com/
Naomi Allen (Rug Hooking and Punch Needle): https://greenmountainhookedrugs.com/
Judith Hotchkiss (Rug Hooking and Punch Needle): http://www.judithhotchkiss.com/home.php
I’m sure I’ll be adding more names to this ever-evolving list!